In order to address the patient’s stress level and improve the asthma patient’s quality of life, alternative treatment methods should be considered. Relaxation techniques employed by the likes of meditation, yoga, massage, acupuncture, and breathing exercises can be very beneficial. Clinical evidence has also shown that chiropractic care and manipulation help asthma patients.
A clinical trial showed that asthma patients treated with chiropractic treatment experienced significant improvement of bronchial hyper-reactivity and saw a decrease of asthma severity. Another comprehensive clinical trial reported that the patient group that was treated with spinal manipulation showed significant improvement in asthma symptoms.
Doctors of chiropractic offer a thorough evaluation of asthma patients, examining their overall physical and neurological data, as well as their diet, lifestyle and potential stressors. In this way, chiropractic care can offer invaluable support to the asthma treatment team. They work with patients to improve their motor coordination, respiratory and stomach muscles, as well as look into their overall quality of life.
Tips for to Reduce Asthma Symptoms
To alleviate symptoms, here are few tips suggested by experts:
• Get checked for viral respiratory infections and other conditions. Once these conditions are treated, asthma symptoms are also likely to improve.
• Be aware that endocrine factors, such as pregnancy and thyroid disease, may also worsen asthmasymptoms.
• Use hypoallergenic bedding to lessen exposure to dust mites.
• If exercising provokes attacks, consider getting an individualized program prescribed for your needs. Your chiropractic care doctor can assist you with this.
• Medications such as beta-blockers (eye drops, for instance), aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs, can also induce or exacerbate symptoms.
• Watch out for foods with sulfites or monosodium glutamate (MSG). These additives are uses in a many foods, so be sure to carefully scan labels, and eat in restaurants that are conscious of MSG.
• Aim to eliminate or eat less meat. Animal proteins include arachidonic acid, which may aggravate inflammation.
• Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as flax seed, hemp seed, sunflower seed, fish and fish oil.
• Consider taking vitamin C supplements. They help counteract allergic reactions and wheezing.
• Look for ways to reduce possible sources of stress for your children.
• Take inventory of your child’s lifestyle, quality time spent with family, and exposure to television and computer programs.
• Employ air filters at home.
• Cover pillows and mattresses with dust covers.