If you are looking for information about how chiropractors perform tendonitis treatment, then you are probably interested in treating your tendonitis without medicine or surgery. Chiropractic medicine is used to treat all sorts of bodily problems in the head, back, neck, arms, legs, and other areas of the human body, and chiropractic can treat tendonitis in any of these areas. Chiropractic care involves a holistic method of treatment that aims to treat the underlying problem instead of the symptoms. By correcting subluxations- or misalignment in the spinal region- your chiropractor can relieve pressure on the nerves and spine and thus allow the body to function at an optimal level and heal itself.

Tendonitis Treatment

Tendonitis is understood as the inflammation of a tendon in the body. If you are experiencing stiffness close to a tendon or are having lots of aches and pains, you should have your doctor look at your body and determine if you have tendonitis. Other symptoms can include swelling, burning sensations and redness around a tendon. In some extreme cases, a doctor will be able to see the visible knots that exist around a joint or tendon.

If you need tendonitis treatment, you will probably notice an increase in pain after activity or while you are undergoing activity. Try to notice if your tendon and joint area becomes tighter the day after activity, and report these changes to your doctor or physical therapist. Symptoms can last for several months if left untreated. If you are determined to have tendonitis, your physical therapist or doctor might suggest that you seek out tendonitis treatment from a chiropractor.

Chiropractors can do a lot to help you recover from a recent injury to your tendon. Before beginning tendonitis treatment, ask yourself the following questions to determine if chiropractic is a good next step for your recovery. Did you get a recommendation from a doctor to begin therapy or, have you gotten medical clearance from another medical professional that this treatment will be healthy for your body and your injury? Can you think of reasons for your pain, loss of strength, and loss of mobility to report to your doctor?

Your chiropractor will, upon first meeting, take a medical history. He may take x-rays or perform other tests including a full spinal check to identify problem areas in the spine. Your doctor may also discuss any other aspects of your health, such as diet and sleep patterns, that could be causing your tendons to be inflamed. By helping you become an overall healthier person, and by adjusting the spinal misalignment so your spine is free of pressure, your body can begin to heal the inflammation.

Overall, chiropractic can be an effective alternative for your tendonitis treatment, especially if you are interested in a more holistic option, but you should consult with a physician and licensed chiropractor to determine if the treatment is right for you.
