
For many years all Americans have been advised to maintain a low salt diet based on government standards.  However, more and more recent studies are showing that following the low salt advice can actually shorten your life. The key here is that the previous studies that associated salt intake with high blood pressure and cardiac disease […]


Making sure you drink enough water every day is one of the easiest and most effective ways of ensuring exceptional health. Water is important for the health of every cell in your body, allowing nutrition to pass into the cells and toxins to be flushed out. Dehydration occurs if you do not drink enough water.  […]

Are You Healthy?

Do you feel healthy?  Do you have any symptoms? Health is not based on a lack of symptoms or how you are feeling, but rather, health is based on a properly functioning body. Diseases are commonly defined by a list of symptoms.  If you have A, B, and C then you have X, while if you have […]

Core Exercises

Most people’s core strength is compromised because we sit too much and we never developed proper posture.  The core provides protection for your spinal cord, supports your skeletal system and supports your vital organs housed in your torso.  When the body moves and is exercised correctly, the internal organs are mobilized.  This natural mobilization helps keep your organs […]

Hormones and Antibiotics in Our Food

A healthy human body is maintained through regulation of many bodily systems by balancing hormones.  Hormones are naturally produced by the body based on natural processes and needs.  When these hormones are out of balance physiologic systems malfunction. There is a concern when hormones are used in raising livestock for the meat that we eat.  This includes the […]

Pelvic Exercises

Wait!  This article is for both men and women.  Because most of us have a very sedentary lifestyle and many people sit during the day while at work, even if we work out several days a week, our pelvic floor muscles weaken over time.  While you sit these muscles relax because they are not being used which weakens […]

Walking and Foot Health

Many bio-mechanical problems we face are directly correlated to improper walking and poor foot health.  Proper walking has to do with more than just what your legs and feet are doing.  While walking, your entire spine, as well as your pelvis, arms and shoulder girdle, should move fluidly creating an efficient stress-free and injury-free gait.  The two main […]


Too often we substitute one food for another thinking the later is more healthy and find out just the opposite.  Such is the case with soy.  Some people replace milk with a soy drink or other dairy products with similar soy products.  Others replace animal protein with a soy protein powder shake or possibly with tofu. Too much […]

Electromagnetic Stress

Electromagnetic stress is not all bad.  That from the sun, in healthy doses, (helps you produce vitamin D) and the electromagnetic field of the earth helps control the rhythm of our hormones, our mood, and other physiological functions. Harmful electromagnetic exposure includes over-exposure to the sun, x-rays, and extremely low frequency pollution from computers, cell phones, […]


There has been much recent debate regarding genetically modified food and its affect on human health.  Often when a natural food is modified our digestive system and enzymes do not recognize it as the same food because the molecular structure and/or the genes are altered so the end product is sometimes totally different.  Corn is one of […]